
冷藏条件下中国对虾肌肉蛋白质的生化特性 被引量:13

Biochemical Properties of Muscle Protein from Fenneropenaeus Chinensis during Chilled Storage
摘要 以肌肉基本营养成分、蛋白质组成、肌动球蛋白盐溶性、巯基含量、Ca2+-ATPase活性、疏水性及SDS-PAGE分析等作为测定指标,考察中国对虾在冷藏时肌肉蛋白质的生化特性变化规律。结果表明,中国对虾肌肉是典型的高蛋白[(21.75±0.12)%]、低脂肪[(1.21±0.03)%]型食物;随着贮藏时间的延长,肌原纤维蛋白和肌基质蛋白的含量减少,肌浆蛋白含量先增加后减少,碱溶性蛋白含量逐渐增加;肌动球蛋白的盐溶性先上升后下降;巯基(-SH)数贮藏前期下降缓慢,第6天后显著下降;Ca2+-ATPase活性显著下降,且与贮藏时间呈显著线性相关(R0℃=-0.991,R4℃=-0.998),但0℃和4℃两组之间差异不显著。疏水性随贮藏时间延长显著增加,并呈显著线性关系(R0℃=0.976,R4℃=0.995),且0℃和4℃两组之间差别显著。SDS-PAGE结果显示,肌动蛋白、肌球蛋白重链、原肌球蛋白和分子质量为67kD的蛋白均发生了明显的降解。综合各指标的变化情况,表明随着冷藏时间的延长,蛋白质变性加剧,总体变性程度为0℃时小于4℃。Ca2+-ATPase活性和疏水性与贮藏时间呈显著线性关系,可以作为蛋白质变性程度的指示指标。 In order to explore changes in biochemical properties of muscle proteins from Chinese shrimps(Fenneropenaeus chinensis) during storage at 0 or 4 ℃,basic nutrients,protein composition,salt soluble actomyosin,sulfhydryl content,Ca2+-ATPase activity and hydrophobicity were determined and SDS-PAGE analysis was also conducted at two-day intervals.The results showed that the muscle of Chinese shrimps was a typical food with relatively high protein((21.75 ± 0.12)%) and low fat((1.21± 0.03)%).With the extension of storage time,a decrease trend in myofibrillar protein and muscle matrix protein,a pattern of initial increase and final decrease in sarcoplasmic protein and actomyosin,a gradual increase trend in alkali soluble protein and a slow decrease in sulfhydryl content were observed for the muscle of Chinese shrimps.Meanwhile,a significant reduction of Ca2+-ATPase activity was also determined,which exhibited an obvious linear relationship with storage time(R0 ℃= 0.991,R4 ℃=0.998).However,the values of the above parameters at 0 ℃ did not significantly differ from those at 4 ℃.Hydrophobicity significantly increased with the extension of storage time,and revealed an obvious linear relationship with storage time(R0 ℃=0.976,R4 ℃=0.995).SDS-PAGE analysis showed that actin,myosin heavy chain,actomyosin and the protein with a molecule weight of 67 kD were obviously degraded during the storage.Based on a comprehensive consideration of these changes in various indicators,the denaturation of proteins was enhanced due to the extension of storage time.The degree of degradation at 4 ℃ was higher than that at 0 ℃.Ca2+-ATPase activity and hydrophobicity displayed a strong correlation with storage time,which can be considered to indicate the degradation of muscle protein during chilled storage.
出处 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期16-21,共6页 Food Science
基金 国家“863”计划项目(2007AA091806) 浙江省研究生创新项目(YK2008062) 浙江工商大学研究生科研创新基金项目(1110XJ1509106)
关键词 中国对虾 肌肉 蛋白质 生化特性 Chinese shrimp(Fenneropenaeus chinensis) muscle protein biochemical property
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