
水热法合成不同形貌的氧化锌及其性质研究 被引量:2

Hydrothermal synthesis of zinc oxides with different morphologies and their properties
摘要 采用水热法,以硝酸锌为原料,分别以四氟硼酸钠、N-丁基吡啶六氟磷酸盐和溴化1-乙基-23,-二甲基咪唑离子液体为导向剂合成了具有次级结构的扇面状、微球状和实心双螺帽状三种形貌的氧化锌,利用XRD和SEM对其结构和形貌进行了表征,研究了其荧光特性及对甲基橙的光催化活性.发现微球状ZnO在可见光区具有远远强于其它两种形貌ZnO的荧光.不同形貌的ZnO对甲基橙的光催化活性与商品TiO2(P25)的活性差别不大,其中扇面状ZnO的活性最高,实心双螺帽状ZnO次之,微球状ZnO活性最差. In the present paper,three zinc oxides with hierarchical structures and various morphologies,flabellate,microspheral and solid double screw cap-like,were synthesized by hydrothermal method where zinc nitrate was used as the raw material,and NaBF4,C9H4F6NP and C7H13BrN2 ionic liquids as directing agents,respectively.The X-ray diffraction(XRD) and scanning electron microscopy(SEM) were used to characterize their structures and morphologies.Fluorescence and photocatalytic activities on methyl orange were investigated.It was found that the fluorescence intensity of the microspheral ZnO in visible light region was much stronger than those of the other two samples.The photocatalytic activities of the three zinc oxides with different shapes are similar to that of the commercial titanium dioxide(P25).The photocatalytic activity of the flabellate ZnO is the highest,then the solid double screw cap-like ZnO,and the last is the microspheral ZnO.
出处 《天津理工大学学报》 2011年第1期73-76,共4页 Journal of Tianjin University of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(20871091) 留学回国基金(教外司留[2008]890号)
关键词 氧化锌 水热合成 光催化 荧光 ZnO hydrothermal synthesis photocatalysis fluorescence
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