研究采用将ADI公司的ADF4350频率合成芯片输出信号多次倍频的方法来实现X波段的频率合成器。ADF4350频率合成器具有内置片上VCO(压控振荡器)和PLL(锁相环),集成度高、相位噪声低,工作频带宽,广泛用于无线电基础设备及测试设备,无线LAN,CATV和时钟发生器中。该频率合成器输出频率范围8-12.4G,频率步进50 MHz,相位噪声低于-75dBc@10kHz。
A Multiplier method of X-band frequency synthesizer is introduced by using ADI4350 chip of ADI company.The ADF4350 has advantages of fully integrated and low phase noise,the voltage controlled oscillator(VCO)and phase-locked loop(PLL)are integrated in the chip.It can work in a wide and continuous frequency range and it is widely used in wireless infrastructure and test equipment,Wireless LANs,CATV equipment and clock generation.The frequency scope of the synthesizer is from 8 to 12.4 GHz and the frequency step is 50 MHz,its noise is less than-75 dBc@Hz.
Experiment Science and Technology