采用啮齿类动物微核试验对医用生物玻璃材料和磷灰石材料的浸提液进行诱变性检测。结果显示,每一材料浸提液的浸提原液、1/5和1/10倍浸提液3个剂量组诱导的多染红细胞微核率与溶剂对照组比较, 无显著性差异, P> 0.05。表明各剂量组的浸提液无诱发小鼠骨髓细胞微核增加作用。
The mutagenicity of medical materials of bioglass and phosphatic rock was studied by doing mouse marrow micromuleus test.The results showed that all extracts from medical materials (bioglass and phosphatic rock) of three groups (original extract,extracts of 1/5 and 1/10 of the original one) did not produce significant statistical differences between each tested and contrast group ( P >0 05).In this experiment, it was proved that medical materials (bioglass and phosphatic rock) would not induce increase of micronucleus.
Beijing Biomedical Engineering