目的 观察在动态心电图中,室性心动过速(室速)发生前,心电学指标的改变。方法 7 例在动态心电图中有持续性室速或频发非持续性室速的患者被列入观察。结果 与无室速时的QTc差值(7.3±1.9m s)相比,室速前10 分钟的QTc差值(30.6±24.2m s)较大(P= 0.049)。结论 心室复极的不稳定参与了室速的形成。
Objective To observe the electrocardiologic changes before ventricular tachycardias in ambulory ECG.Method 7 patients with sustained ventricular tachycardias or frequent non-sustained ventricular tachycardias in ambulatory ECG were included.Results The deviation of QTc (30.6±24.2ms)during 10 minutes before ventricular tachycardias was greater than that of QTc (7.3±1.9ms) during none ventricular tachycardia epoch( P <0 049).Conclusion Unstable ventricular repolarization participated the development of ventricular tachycardias.
Journal of Clinical Electrocardiology