基于IEEE 802.15.4和ZigBee标准实现了一个车载无线传感器网络监测系统。借助通用无线传感器网络,为车载系统扩展了监控范围和监控功能,实现了车载设备状态的数据采集和状态监视,以及必要的设备控制、拓扑控制、拓扑查询等功能。
Based on IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee standard, a vehicle wireless sensor network monitoring system is implemented. By using the general wireless sensor network, the vehicle system increases the monitoring scope and control functions, and implements data col- lection and status monitoring of the vehicle equipments. Necessary equipment control, topology control and topology query functions are realized.
Microcontrollers & Embedded Systems