
庇护所的空间结构对宿主—寄生物系统时空动态的影响 被引量:2

Spatial structure of refuges influence the spatiotemporal dynamics of host-parasitoid systems
摘要 构造了一个具有空间庇护所的宿主寄生物种群模型.通过运用IBM模型,研究了庇护所的数量和空间结构对种群时空动态的影响.结果表明:庇护所数量的增加对宿主和寄生物种群的数量变化有相反的作用,庇护所数量的增加导致宿主种群大小增加,寄生物种群大小下降.庇护所数量和空间聚集度的增加对寄生物种群的灭绝也有相反的作用,高比例的庇护所斑块不利于寄生物种群,但高聚集的庇护所生境有利于寄生物种群.随着庇护所的增加,空间种群呈现出聚集型的空间分布.这些结果对防止生物入侵和害虫控制都有一定的指导作用. A spatial host-parasitoid model was constructed that incorporated the spatial refuge. Using IBM model, the effects of the number and the spatial structures of refuges on the population spatiotemporal dynamics were studied. The results suggested that the increase of the refuge number has the opposite effect on host sizes and parasitoid sizes and that it results in the increase of host sizes and decrease of parasitoid sizes. The increases in number and spatial clustering degree also have opposite effects on the extinction of parasitoid population and a high proportion of refuge patches are detrimental to host population; however, high clustering degree is beneficial to parasitoid population. Moreover, the increase of the number of refuges can result in aggregated distribution of species. These results may help us control pest and prevent biological invasions.
作者 刘志广 赵雪
出处 《兰州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期62-65,共4页 Journal of Lanzhou University(Natural Sciences)
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41001242) 河南省教育厅基金项目(2011A180003) 河南大学基金项目(2009YBZR027)
关键词 IBM模型 JCS统计 庇护所 IBM model JCS statistics refuge
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