
“客家”身份的建构——殖民体系下的香港新界与台湾六堆 被引量:2

The Construction of Hakka Identity——New Territories of Hong Kong and Liudui in Taiwan under Colonial Rules
摘要 "客家"族群在香港新界和台湾六堆有不同的历史形成背景。两地在19世纪末期以后分别受到不同殖民政府的统治;在不同的政治社会背景下,"客家"身份建构呈现出差异;由于两地历史经验的不同,"客家"身份形成的时间与对地方社会的影响也不尽相同。藉由比较新界与六堆两地客家族群与认同之间所呈现出来的差异与联系,有助于更进一步思考近代殖民经验对于族群身份建构的意义。 The purpose of this research is to elucidate the construction of the "Hakka"identity in the New Territories of Hong Kong and Liudui of southern Taiwan under different colonial regimes. At the end of the 19th century, they became colonies ruled by Britain and Japan respectively. The construction of Hakka identity was first shaped by the population registration system and land policies im- posed by the colonial governments, and then strengthened by the changes in local power structure and the influence of political immi- grants in modem period. The differences and similarities between the two colonies would contribute to our understanding of the relation- ship between colonial experiences and the construction of Hakka identity in modern period.
作者 陈丽华
出处 《赣南师范学院学报》 2011年第1期1-11,共11页 Journal of Gannan Teachers' College(Social Science(2))
关键词 新界 六堆 殖民地 客家 身份建构 New Territories Liudui colony Hakka construction of identity
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