The concept of involvement receives into tremendous consideration in marketing research and particular attention in the field of advertising psychological studies.It is proved that involvement has influences on almost all kinds of consumer behaviors,such as brands searching,information processing,attitude changing and intention formation.The present study investigated how information processing of celebrity advertising could be influenced by the combination of personal involvement and product involvement by means of Process Dissociation Procedure based on the ELM model and the FCB Grid model. The experiment employed a three-factor mixed design,2(high versus low personal involvement)×2(high versus low product involvement)×2(celebrity versus non- celebrity endorser) mixed factorial,with personal involvement as the between-subject,and product involvement and advertising endorsers as the two within-subject independent variables. Fifty-four undergraduates,including 31 women,participated in the experiment.After they watched the object advertisements, they were asked to finish an inclusive task and an exclusive task.Using PDP equations:"Conscious= Inclusion performance-Exclusion performance,Automatic = Exclusion performance/(1-Conscious)",we were able to obtain an estimation of automatic influence,as well as an estimation of the amount of conscious influence associated with completing the tasks. The result indicated that a main effect of personal involvement on the explicit memory of brand was found,that is,brands with high involvement received a better score than those with low involvement.And a significant main effect of product involvement on implicit memory was found,that is,brands with high involvement received a better score than those with low involvement. Meanwhile,a main effect of endorsers on explicit and implicit memory was found,the advertisements with celebrities received better scores. The results suggested that:(1) the higher personal involvement or product involvement was,th
Journal of Psychological Science
personal involvement
product involvement
celebrity advertising
Process Dissociation Procedure