ased on the dry-wet index (D-W) data of North China from 1470 A. D. to1985 A. D., the studied area's dry-wet regional differentiation changes and itsrelationship with the changes of temperature during the past 500 years were discussedin this paper The main work and the main conclusions are as follows.(1) The moving-correlation coefficients (r) of the D-W between every twostations of the studied region from 1470A. D. to 1985A. D. were computed first.Then, the abrupt-changing behaviors within each moving-correlation coefficient serieswere analyzed, through the M-K method. The analysis of the temporal distributingfeatures of the abrupt-changing points obtained here shows that the dry-wet regionaldifferentiation changes of North China during the past 500 years can be divided intoseven stages-1470~1560A. D. (I ), 1560 ~ 1650A. D. (II ), 1650 ~ 1680A. D. (III),1680~ 1725A. D. (IV), 1725~ 1810A. D. (V ), 1810~ 1890A. D. (VI) and 1890~1985A. D. (VII), among which the stages with the relatively steady dry-wet regionaldifferentiation changes just alternate with those with the unsteady ones.(2) The original D-W matrix of the studied region from 1470A. D. to 1985A. D.was analyzed by EOF method. The comparison between the temporal distributionfeatures of the abrupt-changing points gained above and the temporal coefficient ofEOF1 obtained here shows that the steady extent of area's dry-wet regionaldifferentiation always changes sharply just in the time when the area's whole dry-wetcondition converts each other evidently.(3) The analysis of the D-W averages (D-W) of every stages as well as thewhole past 500 years shows that the W-E direction difference of the dry-wetdistributions in the stages with relatively steady dry-wet regional differentiationchanges are all very clear-the isoline of D-W= 3.0 all extend, approximately, alongthe latitude direction, and the west parts of the isoline are dry, meanwhile, the eastparts are wet. But the dry-wet distributions of the stages with the relatively unsteadydry-wet regional differenti
Quaternary Sciences