
隐性行业壁垒、市场集中度与中国保险经纪市场结构演进 被引量:1

Recessive industry barriers,market concentration and evolution of the insurance brokerage market structure in China
摘要 对于保险经纪市场结构的研究,传统方法是运用市场集中度和市场壁垒指标,而由于我国正处在经济转型期,市场特点与发达国家有所不同,本文提出了隐性行业壁垒的分析方法。基于2005年~2009年保险经纪市场数据进行的两种不同的实证研究显示,我国保险经纪市场结构的演进趋势有所不同:传统分析方法的结果表明,保险经纪市场的总体特征是垄断性较低、竞争性较强,且呈现出竞争性逐步增强的趋势;隐性行业壁垒方法的结果表明,保险经纪市场中存在有较为明显的垄断性特征,且这种垄断性特征随着时间的变化呈现出增强的趋势,结论的差异值得保险经纪市场的监管者、参与者等利益相关者予以高度重视。 The traditional method about market structure analysis usually uses the Benchmark of market concentration and market barriers. China is still in the period of economic transition, and the market characteristics are different to the developed countries. This paper proposed the method of recessive industry barriers, and used the data from 2005 to 2009 as the basis for analysis. For the characteristics of the insurance brokerage market, the result of this method was different with the result of the traditional method: with the traditional method, the insurance brokerage market was characterized by low level of monopoly and high level of competition with the latter getting more and more intensive; with the method of recessive industry barriers, the insurance brokerage market had a significant level of monopoly and the tendency was to get stronger. The differences deserve special attention by the regulator and market participants and various stakeholders.
作者 苏庆社 王稳
出处 《保险研究》 北大核心 2011年第2期65-73,共9页 Insurance Studies
基金 教育部人文社科基金规划项目(项目号:10YJA790190)"的阶段性成果 长安保险经纪有限公司课题<保险经纪企业商业模式创新及风险管理技术研究> 对外经济贸易大学国家"211工程"重点学科建设项目"WTO与中国金融安全与风险防范(项目号:73000010)" 对外经济贸易大学学术创新团队的资助
关键词 隐性行业壁垒 市场集中度 保险经纪市场结构 recessive industry barriers market concentration insurance brokerage market structure
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