
经尿道选择性绿激光汽化术治疗表浅性膀胱肿瘤 被引量:4

Management of superficial bladder tumor by greenlight photoselective vapontion per urethra
摘要 目的探讨经尿道选择性绿激光汽化术治疗表浅性膀胱肿瘤的手术方法、疗效和安全性。方法回顾性分析经尿道选择性绿激光汽化术治疗表浅性膀胱肿瘤32例患者的临床资料,统计分析手术时间、术中及术后出血情况、并发症发生情况和复发率等。结果32例患者均顺利完成手术,平均手术时间为20min,术中未见明显出血,无闭孔神经反射、尿道电切综合征、术后继发出血、膀胱穿孔、尿道狭窄等并发症。术后留置尿管2—4d,无需膀胱冲洗。随访时间平均为16个月,术后定期膀胱灌注化疗和膀胱镜检查,复发2例,复发率为6%。结论经尿道选择性绿激光汽化术治疗表浅性膀胱肿瘤操作简单,疗效确切,无严重并发症,是一种安全有效的表浅性膀胱肿瘤微创治疗方法。 Objective To explore the management,curative effect and safe of superficial bladder tumor(BT) by greenlight photoselective vapontion per urethra(GPVPU). Methods 32 patients of BT were treated by GPVPU, and operation time, postoperative complications, relapse rate and so on were observed. Results All cases were completed successfully. No complication happened in operations. Urinary canal was detained 2 - 4 days and bladder wash-out(BW) did not need after operation. Follow-up average time was 16 months. Irrigation chems of bladder and cystoscopy were applied routinely. Conclusion GPVPU was safe and effective in treatment of superficial bladder tumor.
出处 《中国基层医药》 CAS 2011年第3期295-296,共2页 Chinese Journal of Primary Medicine and Pharmacy
关键词 膀胱肿瘤 激光手术 Urinary bladder neoplasms Laser surgery
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