目的总结我院收治甲型H1N1流感重症病例15例的治疗经验。方法 15例甲型H1N1流感重症病例都使用奥司他韦进行治疗,起病4 d以上使用仍然有效。2例使用激素,抗生素使用都是早期、联合、广谱。每天有两名市级专家组成员进行查房,专家值班。结果所有病人经过治疗,病情好转,治愈出院。结论一旦出现流感症状要及时去医院治疗,以免发展成重症病例。重症病例不主张使用激素,抗生素使用要求早期、联合、广谱。每天有专家进行查房。
Objective Through our hospital with severe cases of Influenza A H1N1 influenza treatment of 15 cases,sum up the treatment experience for the future treatment,should provide experiences in severe cases.Methods In accordance with the Ministry of Health issued the Influenza A H1N1 influenza clinics,diagnostic programs standard Huai,discharge standards and related guidelines.To develop therapeutic measures to our hospital with severe cases of Influenza A H1N1 influenza treatment in 15 cases and summarizes the therapeutic experience.Respiratory failure using a breathing machine.15 cases of Influenza A H1N1 influenza severe cases use oseltamivir for treatment,Onset more than 4 days the use of still valid.2 cases of the use of hormones.Use of antibiotics are the early,joint,broad-spectrum.Every day members of two city-level expert group rounds,a city-level group of experts on duty.Results Develop into severe cases and cases of critically ill patients to hospitals are due to delays in treatment result.All patients after treatment,his condition improved,the flu cured.Conclusion At present the event of a flu-like symptoms should promptly go to hospital for treatment,so as not to develop into severe cases.Severe cases do not advocate the use of hormones.Antibiotic use requirements early,joint,broad-spectrum.Group members of municipal day rounds.
Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine