介绍了高精度紫外辐射计的系统结构和测量原理,在传统测量方案的基础上,提出了一种以运动卡控制卡和静电计为硬件核心,采用在Visual C++环境下进行编程实现对运动控制卡的控制,使用SCPI语言与静电计接口来实现数据采集的方案。分析了软件的主要功能并给出了实现的思路和代码。
The system organization and measuring principle of High Accuracy UV Radiometer (HAUR) is introduced. Base on the conventional method, a scheme is brought forward that making motion controlling card and electrometer as kernel hardware and the motion controlling card is controlled by programmed in Visual C++, the electrometer is interfaced by using SCPI language for data collected. The analysis of software major function and the code is given.
Control & Automation