浙江开化县古田山自然保护区共有苔藓植物325 种(包括种下等级),其中苔类植物89 种,隶属于22 科和39 属;藓类植物236 种,隶属于33 科和103 属。古田山苔藓植物区系地理成分复杂,以东亚成分为主,欧亚-北美成分和旧世界热带成分也占有较大的比例;地理联系广泛,与日本苔藓植物区系的联系较为密切。古田山苔藓植物区系与邻近几个山体苔藓植物区系的比较结果表明,古田山苔藓植物区系介于安徽黄山和江西三清山之间,并与三清山关系最为密切。它与黄山及三清山苔藓植物区系一样,同属我国中部亚热带的过渡类型。
Gutianshan Nature Reserve, covering an area of 1368 hectares and with an altitudinal range of 305~1246 m above sea level,is located at 29°20′N Lat.and 118°14′E Long.in Kaihua County,Zhejiang Province.A total of 1164 specimens of bryophytes representing 325 species (including subspecies,varieties and forms),142 genera and 55 families were collected from the Nature Reserve by the first author in October, 1992 and in May,1993.An analysis of geographical and floristic elements of Gutianshan Nature Reserve indicates that 66 species (20.31% of the total) belong to the Old World Tropic elements,119 species (36.62%) to the East Asiatic elements and 86 species(26.46%) to the Eurasia & North American elements.Comparisons between the bryoflora of Gutianshan Nature Reserve and each of those of several other nearby mountain areas (including Huangshan, Tianmushan,Sanqingshan,Wuyanling Nature Reserve) show that the bryofloristic relationship between the bryoflora of Gutianshan Nature Reserve and that of Sanqingshan is the closest of all those the other mountain areas,with a similarity coefficient of 66.98% at the generic level.The bryofloristic relationship between the bryoflora of the Nature Reserve and that of Japan is also very close.The bryoflora of Gutianshan Nature Reserve is a transitional type of the mid subtropical bryoflora in our country,as well as those of Huangshan and Sanqingshan.
Journal of Wuhan Botanical Research
Bryophytes,Bryofloristic elements,Gutianshan Nature Reserve,Comparison