
海洛因依赖者常见并发症的临床调查及干预策略 被引量:4

A clinical survey on common complications in heroin addicts and intervention strategies
摘要 目的:了解近年来海洛因依赖者常见并发疾病的发生率及其与海洛因滥用的相关性,并探讨相应的有效干预措施。方法:选择2009年1月-2010年7月在本中心戒毒的500例海洛因依赖者的病历进行回顾调查分析。结果:500例海洛因依赖者中乙型肝炎病毒携带者及乙肝患者共计有343例,占调查总数的68.6%;局部感染的有138例,占调查总数的27.6%;有呼吸系统并发疾病的157例,占31.4%;心电图异常246例,占49.2%;近期入院的50例患者中,共患精神疾病:患焦虑者32例,占调查总数的64%,抑郁者24例,占调查总数的48%。另外,患精神病性障碍的有4例,意识障碍1例。海洛因滥用方式、滥用量及滥用时间与以上并发症密切相关。结论:结果提示海洛因依赖者中各型肝炎及共患精神疾病等合并症的发病率较高,在戒毒治疗同时应采取有效干预措施。 Objective: To explore the incidence rate of the common complications in heroin addicts, and discuss the corresponding and effective intervention strategies for the complications.Methods: 500 heroin addicts who enrolled in the inpatient treatment in our center from January ,2009 to July ,2010 were assessed retrospectively. Results: It was found that 343 cases had hepatitis B;138 cases had local infection;157 cases had respiratory complications,and the incidence rate of respiratory complications was 31.4%.246 cases had the abnormal ECG,and the abnormal rate of ECG was 49.2%.In the 50 recent patients, It showed that 32 cases had anxiety,24 cases had depression,4 cases had psychotic disorders, and 1 case had disturbance of consciousness. Conclusion: The incidence rate of the common complications is relevant with the drug abuse pattern, the abuse quantity and abuse duration, high incidence of various types of severe virus hepatitis and mental illnesses, should be paid to the, and it is necessary to take effective measures to intervene.
出处 《中国药物滥用防治杂志》 CAS 2011年第1期1-4,共4页 Chinese Journal of Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment
基金 国家"十一五"支撑项目(2007BA107B03)资助 宁波市科技计划项目(2009C50024)资助
关键词 海洛因依赖 并发症 肝炎 精神障碍 Heroin addicts Complications Hepatitis Psychotic disorder
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