选用潮土和褐土2种理化性质不同的土壤,采用室外盆栽实验,以小麦(Triticum aestivum)为供试植物,研究了佳乐麝香(HHCB)和镉(Cd)复合污染对小麦植株生物量及污染物在小麦植株各部分累积量的影响.结果表明,在2种土壤中小麦植株地上和地下部分的干重变化顺序均为,单一HHCB污染土壤>HHCB-Cd复合污染土壤>单一Cd污染土壤.潮土中HHCB在小麦植株各部分的累积量高于褐土,且潮土中Cd对HHCB在小麦植株各部分累积量的影响与褐土中不同.潮土中的单一HHCB在小麦植株根、茎、叶中的累积量顺序为:根>茎>叶;Cd能够显著促进HHCB在小麦根部的累积,而对HHCB在小麦茎和叶中的累积则起抑制作用,抑制率最高可达44.07%.褐土中单一HHCB在小麦植株根、茎和叶中的累积顺序为:根>叶>茎;Cd对HHCB在小麦根部累积的影响不显著,但是中高浓度Cd却可显著促进HHCB在小麦茎和叶中的累积,促进率最高可达35.95%.潮土中Cd在小麦植株各部分的累积量低于褐土,但2种土壤中HHCB均能够明显促进Cd在小麦植株根、茎、叶中的累积.潮土中Cd在根、茎、叶中的累积量增加率分别为30.84%、61.82%和61.82%,褐土中Cd在根、茎、叶中的累积量增加率分别为41.53%、184.16%和206.18%,可见褐土中HHCB对Cd在小麦植株中累积的促进作用强于潮土.
Using outdoor pot-culture experiment,biomasses of wheat seedlings and accumulation of HHCB and/or Cd in parts of wheat seedlings cultured in alluvial soil and cinnamon soil were investigated.The biomasses of wheat seedlings in different treatments followed the order as single HHCB treatment HHCB and Cd treatment single Cd treatment.The accumulation of HHCB in wheat seedlings cultured in alluvial soil was more than that in cinnamon soil,and effect of Cd on accumulation of HHCB in wheat seedlings cultured in alluvial soil was different to that in cinnamon soil.In alluvial soil,the accumulation of HHCB in different parts of wheat seedlings followed the sequence that root stem leaf.Cd significantly induced the accumulation of HHCB in wheat roots,but inhibited that of HHCB in wheat stems and leaves,and the highest inhibition rate was 44.07%.In cinnamon soil,the accumulation of HHCB in different parts of wheat seedlings followed the sequence that root leaf stem.The effect of Cd on accumulation of HHCB in wheat roots was not significant,but the median and high concentrations of Cd induced accumulation of HHCB in wheat stems and leaves significantly,and the highest induction rate was 35.95%.Besides,the accumulation of Cd in alluvial soil was lower than that in cinnamon soil,and HHCB could significantly induce the accumulation of Cd in wheat seedlings cultured in two different soils.The increasing rates of Cd accumulation in roots,stems and leaves in alluvial soil were 30.84%,61.82% and 61.82%,and those in cinnamon soil were 41.53%,184.16% and 206.18%,respectively.It is indicated that HHCB in cinnamon soil induced more accumulation of Cd in wheat seedlings than that in alluvial soil.
Environmental Science