报道了一种适用于高频压电器件的Co2O3改性Pb(Mn1/3Sb1/3)O3-PbTi O3(PT-PMS)基陶瓷。采用轧膜成型工艺制备了PT-PMS压电陶瓷,研究了加入Co2O3对陶瓷的介电、压电和机电性能的影响。结果表明,加入适量Co2O3,提高了陶瓷烧结密度,改善了陶瓷压电性能;同时,Co2O3的硬性掺杂作用使陶瓷的机械品质因数Qm明显上升。当Co2O3的质量分数为0.65%时,陶瓷表现出良好的机电性能:εr=290,d33=78 pC/N,kp=0.133,kt=0.489,Qm=2 162,TC=325℃。此外,该陶瓷具有高的居里温度TC,能满足回流焊工艺要求。
This paper reported a Co2O3-modified Pb(Mn1/3Sb1/3)O3-PbTiO3(PT-PMS) ceramics,which is suitable for application to high frequency piezoelectric devices.The PT-PMS piezoelectric ceramics has been prepared by the rolling process.The effect of Co2O3 addition on the dielectric,piezoelectric and electromechanical properties of the ceramics has been investigated.The experiment results indicated that a proper amount of Co2O3 doping could increase the ceramic density,and improve the piezoelectric properties.Meanwhile,the hard doping effect of Co2O3 addition significantly increased the mechanical quality factor Qm.When the additive of Co2O3 was 0.65%,the ceramics achieved its optimal properties with εr=290,d33=78 pC/N,kp=0.133,kt=0.489,Qm=2 162,and TC=325 ℃.Besides,the PT-PMS ceramics presented high Curie temperature and excellent temperature stability,which makes it meet the requirement of reflow welding process.
Piezoelectrics & Acoustooptics