目的 提出一种分析纵向生命质量资料的方法并探讨有关的应用问题。方法 基于Markov 过程思想提出Markov 过程法,并且用于212 例吸毒者在戒毒期间生命质量的变化及影响因素分析。结果 职业对状态1 →2 和状态2 →3 的转移强度系数分别为0 .7912 和0 .6797;戒毒时间对状态1 →2 的转移强度系数为0 .5663,戒毒方式对状态2 →3 的转移强度系数为0 .2765 。结论 本文方法是一较好的纵向资料分析法,既能分析生命质量的状态转移又能分析转移的影响因素。职业、戒毒方式和戒毒时间能影响生命质量的变化。
Objective To present a method to analyze longitudinal quality of life data and discuss some relevant questions. Method Based on the theories of Markov process, the Markov method was presented and used to analyze the change of quality of life status for 212 cases being detoxificated drug addicts and their influence factors. Results The intensity coefficients of status transient for 1→2 and 2→ 3 for occupation were 0.7912 and 0.6797 respectively; the coefficients for status 1→2 for the detoxification time was 0.5663 and that for 2→3 for the detoxification method was 0.2765 . Conclusions The Markov method is good to analyze longitudinal quality of life data for it can analyze both the transient probabilities between any two status of quality of life and their influence factors. The results showed that the occupation of drug addicts, the detoxification time and method can affect the change of quality of life.
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology