
国内外图书馆博客的比较 被引量:4

The Comparison of Blogs in Chinese and Foreign Library
摘要 自1999年第一个真正意义的博客创建以来,博客就以它自身超越其他网络交流媒体的优势,迅速传播开来。一直关注于新信息技术的图书馆学人,对博客在图书馆学领域的应用展开了热烈的讨论和实践。本文通过对国内外图书馆学博客发展历程、各类图书馆学博客等内容分析,发现我国图书馆博客存在的问题并尝试提出针对各类图书馆学博客发展的建议。 Since the first true meaning blog created in 1999,blog has spread quickly by his advantages which are far beyond other net-media's.The librarians who always concerned about new information technologies,had heated discussions and practices about using blog in the field of library science.The academics of library science in China and West have some differences in application methods and ideas of the blog.This article used some study methods like the analysis of the course of development of library science blog,content analysis of various types of library science blog,By comparing,Author discovered the problems of domestic library science blog,then try to recommendations to all kinds of library science blogs' development.
作者 祝筠
机构地区 哈尔滨市图书馆
出处 《现代情报》 CSSCI 2011年第2期108-114,共7页 Journal of Modern Information
关键词 中国图书馆 国外图书馆 博客 chinese library foreign library blogs
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