Purpose: To evaluate the value of various kinds of diagnostic imaging method in local and qualitative diagnosis of noncalculone ureteric obstruction (NCUO). Materials and methods: The local and qualitative diagnostic rate and typical image appearances of IVP,RGP,Cr,US and Renogram were analysed in 50 cases with NCUO. Results: The local and qualitative diagnostic rate of IVP were 59.5% and 28.6% respectively and the diagnostic rate was depended on the quality of the image. The local diagnostic rate of RGP for non-tumoral stricture is 92. 9% which showing some superiority. The qualitative diagnostic rate of CT for tumors was 81.8% which is superior to other methods. The local and qualitative diagnostic rate of US was 78. 9% and 13.2% respectively and its value was in local diagnosis. Renogram was merely for reference. Conclusion: IVP should be the first choice while RGP is good for localization and CT is good for qualitative diagnosis, it would be better to combine US and IVP. Applying examination flow map might reduce unnecessary usage of above methods.
Diagnostic Imaging & Interventional Radiology