目的阐明CA242能否用于辅助诊断肝硬化,探讨CA242水平与肝硬化病情之间是否具有相关性。方法 ELISA法检测健康对照组和肝硬化组血清CA242浓度。罗氏E170和日立7600-020分析仪检测两组人群血清AFP、CEA、CA199及部分肝功能指标的浓度。分析两组间CA242等肿瘤标志和肝功能指标阳性率和血清浓度的差异。以ROC曲线判断这些指标对肝硬化的诊断能力;同时分析CA242等肿瘤标志与肝硬化Child-pugh分级的相关性。结果两组间血清CA242的浓度[分别为(6.31±7.10)U/ml和(7.04±5.17)U/ml]和阳性率(分别为3.3%和8.8%)均无显著性差异(P>0.05),CA242不具有辅助诊断肝硬化的能力,血清CA242浓度与肝硬化的Child-pugh分级无相关性。结论临床医生在诊断肝硬化和监测肝硬化患者病情时不应选择CA242指标,应优先考虑白蛋白/球蛋白比值、CA199、AFP、CEA、TB和DB等指标。
Objective To elucidate the possibility of CA242 for diagnosis of liver cirrhosis and the relation of CA242 concentration with the situation of liver cirrhosis.Methods ELISA assay was used to detect the concentration of serum CA242 in healthy group and liver cirrhosis group.The tumor markers,AFP,CEA,CA199,and some liver function items,were determined with E170(ROCHE Co.) and 7600-020(HITACHI Co.) instruments.The positive percentage and concentration of the two groups were compared by SPSS 13.0 software,and ROC was used to decide the ability of tumor markers to diagnosis liver cirrhosis.Relations of the concentration of tumor markers with Child-pugh grade of liver cirrhosis were analyzed.Results The concentration of CA242 in two groups was 6.31±7.10 U/ml,7.04±5.17 U/ml,respectively(P 0.05),and the positive percentage was 3.3%,8.8%,respectively(P 0.05).Notably,the CA242 did not have ability to diagnosis liver cirrhosis,and its concentration did not related with Child-pugh grade of liver cirrhosis.Conclusion CA242 should not be used to diagnosis liver cirrhosis and to investigate the situation of liver cirrhosis,while the ratio ALB/GLO, CA199,AFP,CEA,TB and DB may be better items for the above purpose.
Medical Journal of West China