通过实验室试验,探讨温拌沥青混合料添加剂Sasobit对道路石油沥青主要技术指标的影响。试验与分析显示,Sasobit可以增加沥青的稠度,当掺量等于大于基质沥青质量的2%时,沥青的标号将从70#降低一个等级成为50#。沥青针入度指数随添加剂掺量的增加先增大到某个最大值然后减小,常用的3%掺量可以显著改善沥青对温度的敏感性。沥青当量软化点随添加剂掺量的增加先增大然后大体维持在常量,常用的3%掺量可以使沥青当量软化点较基质沥青提高约10℃。但是,沥青延度随添加剂掺量的增加持续降低,2%的Sasobit可以使沥青10℃延度从28.5 cm降低到12.0 cm,以致不能满足规范要求。
This paper discusses the influences of warm mix asphalt(WMA) additive Sasobit on properties of asphalt through laboratory tests.Tests and analyses indicate that Sasobit can increase the consistency of asphalt.When additive content is equal to or more than 2% by mass of asphalt,the asphalt may degrade from Penetration 70 to 50.Penetration index increases,reaches a maximum value,and then decreases with increasing additive content.A common 3% content can significantly improve the temperature susceptibility of asphalt.The equivalent softening point increases and then remains at nearly a constant with increasing additive content.A common 3% content can increase the softening point by 10 ℃.However,the ductility decreases with increasing additive content.A 2% content can make the 10℃ ductility decrease from 28.5 cm to 12.0 cm,below the requirement of the specification.
Highway Engineering