国家电力公司大坝安全监察中心自成立以后, 代部编制了《水电站大坝安全管理办法》等有关法规,开展了首轮大坝安全定期检查、大坝安全监测和大坝安全注册等项工作, 大坝安全管理水平有了较大提高。大坝通过补强加固和消缺处理, 安全度得到提高。但是, 水电站大坝的安全状况尚不容乐观, 法规体系有待完善,管理水平仍需提高。当前, 要做好大坝安全规划的制订, 法律体系的完善, 二轮大坝定期检查和工程安全鉴定,病险坝的治理和大坝补强加固、消缺处理等项工作, 同时, 要进一步加强水电站大坝安全的基础性工作。
Since its establishment ,the Dam Safety Supervision Center of the National Power Corporation has prepared the ” Measures of Dam Safety Management of Hydro Station”and some relative regulations , developed the work ofthe first - stage regular dam safety check ,the damsafety monitoring and the dam safety registration . Therefore ,its dam safety management level has been greatly enhanced . Through the rein forcement and weakness removal ,the safety degree of dam has been increased . But the safety situations of the dam for hydro stations still arenot bright . The related legal system of dam safety has yet to be further perfected and the management level of dam safety must be continuouslyenhanced . At present ,the following items should be done well :the form ulation of dam safety planning ,the perfection of legal system relatedto dam safety ,the second - stage regular dam safety check , project safety appraisal ,the treatment of damgerous dam and the dam reinforce ment . Meanwhile ,the fundamental work of dam safety of hydro stations should be further strengthened .
Water Power
dam for hydro station , safety check ,regular check , management , power system