Chinese Journal of Hematology
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1王莉红,任汉云,孙玉华,邱志祥,岑溪南,欧晋平,许蔚林,王茫桔,王文生,李渊,董玉君,尹玥,梁赜隐.造血干细胞移植后单个核细胞EBV—DNA定量监测预测移植后淋巴增殖性疾病[J].中华血液学杂志,2010,31(2):73-76. 被引量:3
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1Kai Gao,Yan-song Wang,Ya-jiang Yuan,Zhang-hui Wan,Tian-chen Yao,Hai-hong Li,Pei-fu Tang,Xi-fan Mei.Neuroprotective effect of rapamycin on spinal cord injury via activation of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway[J].Neural Regeneration Research,2015,10(6):951-957. 被引量:7
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