
粘性类土侵蚀强度量化研究 被引量:2

Quantitative Study on Clayey Soil Erosional Properties
摘要 海洋动力作用下,粘性土内部粘结力与重力的联合作用使其冲刷侵蚀特性较为复杂。从侵蚀原理出发,利用粘结力仪进行侵蚀试验,探讨了粘性土临界侵蚀剪应力τ_c与土体物理力学性质之间的相关性,并提出中值粒径、粘粒含量、密度及抗剪强度与τ_c之间的计算关系式。同时通过侵蚀公式计算结果与试验结果比较,验证了试验结果的准确性。 The erosional properties of clayey soil sediments become complicated due to the joint effects of the internal cohesion and the gravity under the marine dynamical actions. To start with the review of the erosion principles,a cohesive strength meter is used in a experment to estimate and discuss the correlation between the critical erosion shear stressτ_c and the other mechanical properties of the soil.Then a formula is given to calculateτ_c from the median grain size,the clay content,the soil density,and the shear strength.Then the results from the formula are compared with the results from the experiment in order to verify the formula accuracy.
出处 《海岸工程》 2010年第4期65-72,共8页 Coastal Engineering
基金 国家海洋局青年海洋科学基金--波浪作用下黄河三角洲海底土稳定性及管道电缆安全研究(2010306) 国家海洋局第一海洋研究所基本科研业务费专项资金--波浪作用下还底土液化评判及工程安全研究(2009G15)
关键词 粘性土 临界侵蚀剪应力 土体物理力学性质 相关性 clayey soil critical erosion shear stress soil mechanical properties relativity
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