

A Comparative Study on the Power of Unconstitutional Examination of the Supreme Federal court of the US and the German Federal Constitutional Court
摘要 美国联邦最高法院的违宪审查权是其审判权的一个有机组成部分,它的违宪裁决对美国联邦最高法院及其下级法院以及案件当事人有拘束力。德国联邦宪法法院的违宪审查权独立于德国普通法院的审判权,是一种监督立法权、行政权、普通法院司法权的政治性权力,它的违宪裁决具有普遍的拘束力。 The antecedant of theory of investing the supreme federal court of the US with the power of unconstitutional examination is ancient natural law philosophy,the idea of common law of england,and legal thought of kirk.Theory of recht of kelsen provide theoretical base for the power of uncostitutional examination of German federal constitutional court.The power of unconstitutional examination of the supreme federal court of the US is an intergral component of judicial power of the supreme federal court of the US.The unconstitutional adjudication of the supreme federal court of the US is binding on the supreme federal court of the US,it's lower court and litigious party.The power of unconstitutional examination of German federal constitutional court is indepenent of the judicial power of ordinary court in German,is a political power of monitoring law-making power,administrative power and executive power.The unconstitutional adjudication of German federal constitutional court has general legal effect,the unconstitutional adjudication of criminal substantive law of German federal constitutional court has retroactive effect.
作者 莆方合
出处 《山西大同大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第6期16-20,共5页 Journal of Shanxi Datong University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 违宪审查权 美国联邦最高法院 德国联邦宪法法院 性质 拘束力 power of unconstitutional examination the supreme federal court of the US German federal constitutional court characteristic binding force
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