
桉树苗期抗瘿姬小蜂能力研究 被引量:3

The Resistance to Leptocybe invasa of Eucalypt Seedlings
摘要 桉树瘿姬小蜂主要危害桉树苗圃及幼林。通过对15种桉树实生苗不同部位感瘿姬小蜂状况的调查结果表明:卡特桉未感病,柳桉各部位虫瘿最多。相关分析表明苗高与嫩枝虫瘿数存在显著相关,茎杆和嫩枝虫瘿数与总虫瘿数间存在极显著相关。不同桉树品种的茎杆和总虫瘿数差异极显著(P<0.01),嫩枝虫瘿数差异显著(P<0.05)。 Leptocybe invasa caused serious damages to young plantations and seedlings of eucalypt.The gall numbers of seed seedlings of 15 eucalypt species infected Leptocybe invasa were investigated,the results showed that seedlings of E.kartzoffiana were healthy,the gall numbers of stem,twig and total seedlings of E.saligna were the most species.Seedling height and gall numbers of twig had a significant correlation,gall numbers of individual seedling was strongly correlated with that of stem and twig.There were significant differences in gall numbers of stem and total seedlings among 15 eucalypt species(P0.01),and that of twig was significant(P0.05).
出处 《桉树科技》 2010年第2期35-38,共4页 Eucalypt Science & Technology
基金 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金"桉树无性系抗逆变异的遗传稳定性研究"(CAFYBB2008025) 广东省林业局"桉树良种选育和高效栽培技术研究与示范"(2008KJCX004-01) 国家林业局(重点)"桉树新品种(新桉1号 新桉2号)区域化试验"(2006-09)
关键词 瘿姬小蜂 虫瘿 嫩枝 茎杆 Leptocybe invasa gall twig stem
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