目的探讨彩色多普勒超声(彩超)对胎儿泌尿系统畸形的诊断价值。方法回顾性分析12例胎儿泌尿系统畸形孕妇的彩超声像图特点,探讨彩色多普勒血流显像(CDFI)诊断胎儿泌尿系统畸形的价值。结果 12例胎儿泌尿系统畸形均经分娩后超声复查、手术或引产后尸检确诊,其中彩超检查出肾积水5例,多囊性发育不良肾2例,异位肾2例,肾脏发育不全1例,重复肾1例,融合肾1例。结论孕妇进行彩超检查,结合CDFI,可以清晰分辨肾脏实质和肾脏集合系统及对肾动脉的追踪显示及定位,有助于胎儿泌尿系统畸形的鉴别诊断。
Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of the color doppler ultrasound(CDFI) in the diagnosis of fetal malformation of urinary system.Methods Analyze retrospectively the feature of color doppler ultrasound of 12 fetuses with malformation of the urinary system,and discuss the value of CDFI in diagnosing malformation of the urinary system.Results 12 fetuses with malformation of the urinary system were reviewed by ultrasound,and were confirmed by surgery and autopsy after childbirth.5 cases were found uronephrosis,2 cases MCDK,2 cases ectopic kidney,1 case renal aplasia,1 case double kidney and 1 case fused kidney.Conclusion Color doppler ultrasonography combined with CDFI can clearly distinguish the renal parenchyma and renal collecting system,and the tracking and positioning will help the diagnosis of urinary system abnormalities.
Chinese General Practice