目的评价富马酸伊布利特转复房性心律失常的安全性。方法 2009年5月至2010年5月间,在我院就诊并使用富马酸伊布利特转复房性心律失常的30例患者,年龄33~86岁。在心电监护下使用静脉富马酸伊布利特注射液,并观察24 h。结果开始用药2 h内,25例患者转复为窦性心律,转复成功率为83.3%。观察24 h无复发。10例患者出现药物相关的不良反应,其中1例患者出现发热、寒战伴频发短阵室性心动过速,经治疗后恢复。未出现需要直流电复律的情况。多元Logis-tic回归提示用药前QTc与不良反应的发生有关。结论富马酸伊布利特转复房性心律失常安全性较好。
OBJECTIVE To study tile safety of ibutilide in converting atrial arrhythmia. METHODS Data from 30 patients(age 33 -86) who received ibutilide tot atrial arrhythmia hetween May 2009 and May 2010 was reviewed. There were 14 patients with or- ganie heart disease. RESULTS Ibutilide converted 25 of all the patients (83.3%). There were 10 patients of adverse drug reaction. One patient had nonsustained ventricular tachycardia with fever and shiver. There were no patient required electrical eardioversion after ibutilide used. CONCLUSION With careful monitoring, ibutilide can be an effective and safety tool in selected patients for eardio- version of atrial arrhythmia. The incidence of adverse drug reaction was significantly higher in patients with a longer QTe before ibutilide used.
Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal