The author presented a set of electronic vacuum controlled EGR system and a set of step motor controlled EGR system and calibrated their EGR rate,which matched the diesel engines respectively,and moreover investigated the effect of EGR rate control precision on fuel economy and exhaust emission based on aforementioned work by using those two EGR systems.The results show that the EGR rate universal characteristics of the step motor controlled EGR system are smoother than that of the vacuum controlled EGR system,which has break points.Therefore,the control precision of step motor controlled EGR system is better than that of vacuum controlled EGR system.The brake specific fuel consumption(BSFC)of the engine that matched electronic vacuum EGR system is higher when the diesel engine runs in light load regions,but the control method of EGR nearly has no effect on BSFC when the diesel engine runs in heavy load regions.The NOX emission of the engine that matched step motor controlled EGR system is higher when operating in high speed and heavy load regions,but lower when operating in high and middle speed and heavy load regions.
Journal of Xihua University:Natural Science Edition