对一类同时具有外界干扰和范数有界参数不确定性的时滞系统鲁棒H∞滤波问题进行了研究。对于所有容许的参数不确定性,利用Lyapunov方法,得到以线性矩阵不等式(linear matrix inequality,LMI)表示的鲁棒H∞滤波器设计方法。用该方法设计的滤波器使得滤波误差系统渐近稳定且满足一定的H∞性能指标。给出了滤波器存在的充分条件,并得到了设计滤波器的LMI方法。进而将最优鲁棒H∞滤波器存在的充分条件归结为一个具有线性矩阵不等式(LMI)约束的凸优化问题。最后,仿真结果很好地说明了本文方法的有效性。
The filtering for a class of time-delay systems with both external disturbances and norm-bounded parametric uncertainties was investigated.Based on Lyapunov method,a robust H∞ filter was presented in terms of linear matrix inequality(LMI) for all admissible uncertainties.The designed filter can guarantee a prescribed H∞ performance level for the filtering error system.The sufficient conditions for existing filter are derived.A LMI method for designing filters is given by matrix transformations.Furthermore,the sufficient condition for existence of the optimal robust H∞ filter was cast into a convex optimization problem with LMI constraints.Finally,the simulation result shows that the method is very effective.
Automation & Instrumentation