目的研究Warthin-Starry(W-S法)染色法在胃幽门螺杆菌诊断中的作用。方法利用临床诊断为慢性胃炎的27例活检组织W-S法进行病理诊断,同时标本送中山大学肿瘤医院病理科用相同方法进行复检。结果共检测27例慢性胃炎中7例有HP感染,阳性率是25.9%,与中山大学肿瘤医院病理科行同种方法(W-S法)检测结果相符。结论 W-S法是一种经典的特染方法,适合在基层医疗单位病理室作为常规的检测方法。
Objective To study the role of Warthin-Starry staining in diagnosis of helicobacter pylori(HP).Methods 27 biopsy specimens diagnosed as chronic gastritis were for pathological diagnosis by Warthin-Starry method,meanwhile the specimens were sent to Sun Yat-sun University Cancer Center for redetection with the same method.Results 7 cases had HP infection with positive rate of 25.9%,the same with the detection results from Sun Yat-sun University Cancer Center.Conclusion Warthin-Starry,a typical staining method,can be used in pathological rooms of local hospitals as a conventional detection method.
Clinical Medicine & Engineering