
辐射计观测模拟系统的设计与研究 被引量:1

Study on Radiometer Observation Simulation System
摘要 基于物理参数反演和卫星数据同化系统的发展需要,设计了一个结合陆面、大气和传感器特征,基于辐射传输模型的辐射计观测数据模拟系统。综合考虑地形、地表异质性、大气等影响,可以直接应用到数据同化系统,进而为校正数据同化模式的静态参数提供基础,同时提高对辐射机理的理解和认识,促进地球物理参数反演。利用该模拟系统,模拟了先进微波扫描辐射计(AMSR-E)的全球观测,并与卫星实测数据进行了对比,对粗糙度进行敏感性分析,其影响可达38 K。 Based on radiative transfer model,a radiometer observation simulation system is designed,which include the effects of topography,heterogeneity,and atmosphere.The difference between simulated and measured brightness temperatures is analyzed,a sensitivity study is also carried out to assess the relative contributes of the roughness.It is found that the roughness introduces an uncertainty of 38 k.The developed simulation system should be very useful in modeling and improving our understanding of radiant mechanism.
出处 《电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期64-68,79,共6页 Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
基金 国家973计划(2007CB714403)
关键词 微波 辐射传输 粗糙度 模拟 microwave radiative transfer roughness simulation
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