
“自愿问责制”:美国高等教育问责制发展的新动向 被引量:19

VSA:the New Trend in the Development of American Higher Education Accountability
摘要 近年来,"自愿问责制"(VSA)的兴起为美国公立学院和大学改革注入了新的活力,反映了美国公立院校领导层应对新挑战的基本思考。"大学肖像"模板是"自愿问责制"的主要实现形式,包含学生与家庭信息、学生经历与体会以及学生学习结果三个截面的内容,体现了整合性与集约化并举、规范化与弹性结合、创造性与渐进性兼顾等特点。虽然"自愿问责制"的发展伴随着质疑且存在一些有待解决的难题,但其发展对美国高等教育产生了重要影响。 In recent years, the rise of 'voluntary system of accountability'(VSA)has injected new vitality into the reform of American public universities and colleges, reflecting the basic thinking of the leaders in public institutions to respond to new challenges. 'College Portrait' template is the major form for realizing VSA, which includes three sections: student and family information, student experiences and perceptions as well as student learning outcomes. It displays the characteristics of developing integration and intensification simultaneously, combining standardization with flexibility, and balancing between creativeness and progressiveness. Although the emergence of VSA goes with questions and problems, its development has had a significant impact and a promising future.
作者 柳亮
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期81-85,共5页 International and Comparative Education
关键词 问责制 自愿问责制 公立院校 accountability VSA public universities and colleges
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