从三维可视化的角度入手,系统分析在完成三维可视化中不同软件所起到的作用,并且分别从场地模型构建和地物模型构建两个方面对真实的场地与地物进行模拟,同时,结合土方设计、竖向设计等总图设计内容,最终运用了Civil 3D和SkechUp等三维模型构建软件,实现在ArcGIS中模型的三维可视化,从而给人一种直观和身临其境的感受,也为项目是否实施建设提供辅助决策的作用。
With the three-dimensional visualization,the function of different software was analyzed while the three-dimensional visualization was achieved,and from two aspects,the construction of the site modeland the Geo-Object model,the real site and Geo-Object were simulated,combined with earthwork design,vertical design,and general layout design.Ultimately using the Civil 3D and SkechUp software,3D visualization based on ArcGIS was achieved,so as to give an intuitive and true experience and offer decision of whether to construct the projects.
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