目的通过体外结合实验验证EHEC O157:H7内膜素受体偶联细胞骨架蛋白重复片段与人肠上皮细胞IRTKS蛋白SH3结构域之间的相互作用,并制备二者蛋白复合体,为利用晶体学方法研究其相互作用奠定基础。方法将IRTKS蛋白的SH3结构域cDNA序列克隆至pET30a表达质粒,转化BL21(DE3),诱导表达纯化SH3(IRTKS)蛋白;制备TCCP重复片段TC-CP(3R)蛋白;将SH3(IRTKS)与TCCP(3R)按照不同比例混合后,非变性丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳鉴定两者相互结合后产物;利用分子筛层析收集标准蛋白、TCCP(3R)、SH3(IRTKS)和TCCP(3R)-SH3(IRTKS)复合体的出峰体积,回归计算复合物的分子量,分析蛋白相互结合的比例。结果成功克隆表达了SH3(IRTKS)重组质粒;并制备了高纯度的SH3(IRTKS)和TCCP(3R)蛋白;非变性丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳结果证实TCCP(3R)与SH3(IRTKS)发生相互作用形成了蛋白质复合体;复合体的分子量约为33 000,二者相互结合的比例约为1:1。结论本研究为TCCP重复片段与SH3(IRTKS)相互作用提供了直接证据,同时复合体的制备,为利用晶体学研究两者的相互作用奠定了基础。
The aim of the study is to confirm the interaction between Tir couple cytoskeleton protein(TCCP) of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli(EHEC) O157:H7 and insulin receptor tyrosine kinase substrate(IRTKS) protein from human intestinal epithelial cells by in vitro binding assay,and to prepare protein complex for crystallographic studies.IRTKS SH3 domain was amplified from the human cDNA and cloned in the prokaryotic expression plasmid pET30a.Then the recombinant plasmid was transformed to E.coli BL21(DE3) and induced by IPTG.At the same time,the E.coli BL21(DE3) carrying pET28a-TCCP(3R) recombinant plasmid was induced by IPTG.The two recombinant proteins were purified and mixed at a certain ratio.The TCCP(3R) bind to SH3(IRTKS) with ratio of 1:1 in vitro when detected by non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis;according to elution peak of TCCP(3R),SH3(IRTKS),TCCP(3R)-SH3(IRTKS) complex and standard proteins,the relative molecular weight of TCCP(3R)-SH3(IRTKS) complex is about 33 000 and their binding radio is about 1∶1 This study directly confirmed the binding of TCCP(3R) to SH3(IRTKS),and the TCCP(3R)-SH3(IRTKS) complex can be used for further crystallographic studies.
Immunological Journal