试验结果表明:温室白粉虱(Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westw.)的危害直接影响黄瓜品质。随处理间白粉虱生物量增加,黄瓜汁液游离氨基酸的含量有时增加,含糖量减少,抗坏血酸的含量没有明显的变化。通过对白粉虱生物量-日(BD)与叶面积相对损失率(RLR)、产量损失率(YL%)之间关系的综合分析,得到产量损失率随生物量-日变化的回归方程式:YL%=(1-1.4426BD^(-0.0763))×100%黄瓜植株的耐害能力随发育阶段不同而变化,遭受危害的阶段越早,耐害能力越差。
Quality of cucumber was indireactly influenced by the infestation of green- house whitefly,Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westw.The tests showed that,to- tal sugar level of fruit juice decreased by increasing injury,but free amino acids somewhat increased in fruits.The content of Vitamine C in the fruits was not affected. Experiments proved that the relative loss rate(RLR)of leaves and yield loss were positively correlated with the initial population biomass of the whiteflies.Their relationship may be expressed as: YL%=(1-1.4426BD^(-0.076(?))×100% (BD:biomass-day) However,due to the different plant conditions,its developmental stages and growing seasons,the tolerance of the plants to the whitefly population den- sity varied.The earlier the plant were infested,the less whitefly population biomass they could bear.
greenhouse whitefly
Trialeurodes vaporarlorum
yield assessment