

A new cluster algorithm for DB parallel control
摘要 为保证集群系统中全局事务的并发正确执行,采用基于谓词级的多级粒度冲突检测机制,并通过检测谓词冲突图中是否存在环的方法来避免冲突的全局事务可能会产生的全局死锁,不仅减小了死锁检测粒度,而且还提高了全局事务处理的并发度,同时也保持了集群中局部数据库的自治性。此外,还改进了一种以事务提交图为中心的并发事务调度算法来保证全局事务的可串行化提交,实验结果表明,该算法有效地提高了全局事务执行的并发度,增加了事务吞吐率和减少了响应时间。 In order to realize the large scale and high parallel performance of database cluster system,the techniques of cluster are applied to the database system,and a common middleware system with high parallelism is proposed based on share-nothing database cluster,which provides the architecture of single system image for the clients and realizes the collaboration and parallel execution in the database cluster by using the techniques of the meta data management,the multi-thread mechanism and the parallel transaction pre-processing,and it is well suitable for the high performance requirement of the OLTP commercial application and has an ideal price/performance ratio.The database cluster system not only keeps the autonomy of the local database sites but also improves the parallel performance of the database cluster system and solves the performance bottleneck of large database system.
出处 《河北工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2010年第4期86-91,共6页 Journal of Hebei University of Engineering:Natural Science Edition
关键词 集群系统 多级粒度冲突检测 死锁 database cluster system share-nothing database cluster deadlock
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