乙肝病毒宫内感染是发展成乙肝表面抗原 ( HBs Ag)慢性携带者重要原因之一 ,也是导致生后接种乙肝疫苗失败的主要原因 (1 ,2 )。国内外资料报告其宫内感染率高达 1 3%~44% (3~ 4)。我们对湖北省荆门市的孕妇乙肝病毒宫内感染进行调查 ,2 73名孕妇产前乙肝病毒感染标志表明 :HBs Ag阳性率为 9.98% ;抗 - HBe阳性率为 4.37% ;抗 - HBc阳性率为 5 .6 % ,HBs Ag,HBe Ag双阳性者为 6 .6 6 %。产后对婴儿随访半年以上 (分别在产后 2 4小时 ,产后 1月 ,产后 6月 )结果表明在双阳性母亲所生婴儿中 ,HBs Ag阳性率为 1 6 .6 7% ,而在单阳性母亲所生婴儿中 ,则无 1例是 HBs
In utero hepatitis B virus(HBV)intection is the major cause of tailure of vaccination agaist hepatitis B virus in neonats born to HBV carrier mother, yet in utero heptitis B virus (HBV) transmmission is the one of important cause of hepatitis B surface antigen carries. Several date suggested that transmmission rate for HBV intection in utero has been 13% 44% in the world mour date reported that the study on HBV transmmission in utero at Hubei province jing men city. This report showed hepatitis B surface antigen carrier rate of pregnant women in Hubei provice jing Wen city has been 9.98%(27/273),but HBsAg、HBeAg positive carrier rate has been 6 66%(18/273)。3 causes were infection in utero. so infection rate in utero were 16 6%(3/18)
The Journal of Neonatology