目的了解我国西部地区50个县(区)不同活动场所暗娼(FSW)人群的艾滋病病毒(HIV)抗体阳性检出率和行为学指标情况。方法通过高危人群规模估计,对不同场所内FSW人群进行分层随机抽样和一对一问卷调查,收集高危行为信息,检测血清HIV抗体。结果 15 526名调查对象中,第一类来自宾馆、酒店、桑拿、洗浴中心、夜总会、卡拉OK厅、歌舞厅、酒吧等,占48.04%;第二类来自洗脚屋、发廊、路边店、小饭店和街头站桩,占51.96%。年龄20~29岁者占60.96%;初中以下文化程度占83.77%。第二类FSW人群最近一次性交易时安全套使用率(68.9%),最近一个月性交易时安全套使用率(37.07%),艾滋病知识知晓率(17.53%),最近一年接受预防服务率(67.31%),均低于第一类。FSW人群HIV阳性率为1.58%。结论 FSW人群中艾滋病知识知晓率较低,存在商业性行为中不使用安全套等高危行为,尤其是在街头等第二类场所中的FSW,是监测和干预工作的重点人群。
Objective To explore the status of HIV infection and risk behaviors among female sex workers(FSWs)in different entertainment establishments in 50 counties of West China.Methods Special cross-section survey,including population size estimation,face to face interview and HIV antibody test,was conducted among the female sex workers randomly sampled from two groups of entertainment establishments.Results Of the interviewees 48.04% were from group 1 entertainment establishments,including hotels,massage centers,bars,karaokes facilities etc,while 51.96% were from group 2 establishments including barber shops,roadside and slap-bang shops,streets.There were 60.96% of the interviewees aged 20-29 years,most(83.77%) of whom were poorly educated and graduated from junior high school or below.Compared with group 1,sex workers from group 2 had less AIDS knowledge and more risky behaviors,only 68.9% of them reported condom use during the last sex trade,and 37.7% reported consistent condom use during the last one month.Awareness of HIV/AIDS was as low as 17.53%,and only 67.31% reported receiving AIDS intervention services in the last year.The HIV infection rate among the surveyed female sex workers was 1.58%.Conclusions High risk factors such as lack of AIDS related knowledge and unsafe sex behavior are common among female sex workers.Those who were from group 2 have much higher risk of contracting HIV/AIDS,and they should be the priority of surveillance and behavioral interventions.
Chinese Journal of Aids & STD
Female sex workers
High risk behavior