
劳伦斯·格罗斯伯格教授访谈录 被引量:2

An Interview with Lawrence Grossberg
摘要 劳伦斯.格罗斯伯格(Lawrence Grossberg),美国最具影响力的文化研究、大众文化研究、传媒研究学者,出生于纽约布鲁克林,于1968年在美国罗切斯特大学获哲学与历史学位,师从海登.怀特(Hayden White)教授,后进入英国伯明翰大学当代文化研究中心(CCCS)跟随理查德.霍加特(Richard Hoggart)以及斯图亚特.霍尔(Stuart Hall)学习,1976年在伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)获传媒学博士学位,詹姆斯.凯瑞(James W.Carey)教授为其指导教师,1994起在美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)任传媒研究教授,现为传媒研究杰出教授,文化研究中心主任。他在国际文化研究界影响颇深,从1990年开始就负责主编文化研究界的知名学术刊物《文化研究》(Cultural Studies)及另一份学术刊物《公众文化》(Public Culture)。他著作颇丰,如《文化研究导论》等书已成为文化研究必不可少的工具书。从某种意义上说,格罗斯伯格把文化研究带到了美国,又利用自身的影响力把美国文化研究带到了世界。 Lawrence Grossberg (born December 3, 1947 ) is an internationally renowned scholar of cultural studies and popular culture. Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, Grossberg graduated summa cure laude in history and philosophy from the University of Rochester in 1968, where he studied with Hayden White. Afterwards, he studied with Richard Hoggart and Stuart Hall at the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies at the University of Birmingham, England. After two years traveling in Europe, he returned to work with James W. Carey at the University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign. There, he received a Ph.D. in Speech Communication in 1976, In 1994, he went to University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill. Currently, he is Morris Davis Professor of Communication Studies and Chair of the Executive Committee of the University Program in Cultural Studies at UNC. He wrote a lot of books, such as Cultural Studies, which has become one of the most important books on Culture Studies. Grossberg is co -editor (with Delia Pollock) of the journal Cultural Studies, which is one of tbe longest - running and most respected academic journals in its field. He has served in that capacity since 1990. He also serves on the editorial collective of Public Culture among many other academic journals. In one sense, he helped bring Culture Studies .into America, and then introduced Culture Studies in America to the world.
出处 《兰州学刊》 CSSCI 2011年第1期196-200,共5页
关键词 劳伦斯·格罗斯伯格 文化研究 转向 Lawrence Grossberg culture studies transformation
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