通过对陕西中部的水库和小流域共30个样本进行逐步回归分析,研究了土壤侵蚀强度与影响因子间的关系。根据各因子的不同方案(不同组合)和评分建立了14个回归方程。通过分析回归方程的各个因子发现,岩性、植被、地形(包括沟谷密度和相对高差)、坡耕地面积%和降雨是影响侵蚀强度的主要因子,尤以岩性和植被的作用为大。陕西中部黄土山、梁和塬地的侵蚀模式以下式为佳: 1/p=0.192+0.250/x_1+0.160/x_2-1.695/x_3+0.354/x_(10)+0.058/x_(11) 式中,P为侵蚀强度评分;x_1、x_2、x_3和x_(10)分别为岩性、植被、汛期降雨量和地形的评分, x_(11)=2 (lnx1/1_1-3.5),x1/1_1为坡耕地面积比与沟谷地面积比之积。
In this paper, 30 samples were applied in the step regression analysis of erosion intensity and the factors that influence on it.The samples were obtained from loess mountain, Liang and Yuan areas in the middle of Shaanxi province. 14 regression equations were established through different schemes of factors (or their association) and their marks in the analysis. From the factors of the regression equations, we found that rock and soil quality of the ground, plant cover, topography(including valley density and relative height), percentage of cultivated hillside fields and rainfall are important factors which affect erosion intensity, espaeially rock and soil quality of the ground and plant cover. The best erosionmodel was obtained from the relative error analysis of the regression equations and river basins, i.e. (1/P)=0.192+(0.250/X_1)+(0.160/X_2)-(1.695/X_3)+(0.354/X_(10))+0.052/X_(11)) In this model,x=2×(lnx'-3.5), x' is the value of the percentage of hillsilide fields times the percentage of cultivated hillside fields, x_1,,x_2, x_3, X_(10),X_(11) stand for the grade marks (range from 0 to 10)of rock and soil quality Of the ground, plant cover, rainfall in the flood season, topography and erosion intensity.
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
erosion factor anti-erosion factor erosion intensity step regression analysis