初步观察穴位注射丹参、黄芪注射液对卡介苗 (BCG)与脂多糖 (LPS)联合诱导的小鼠免疫性肝损伤血清ALT的影响 ,并探索了穴位药物注射的特异性。结果发现 ,穴位药物注射能显著降低免疫性肝损伤小鼠血清ALT (P <0 0 0 1 ) ,而穴注生理盐水组与肌注药物组却未能显著降低模型小鼠的血清ALT ,穴位药物注射具有穴位及药物的特异性。
The effect of acupoint injection of danshen and huang qi on serum ALT of mouse′s immuno-liver injury induced by BCG and lps was initially observed and the specificity of acupoint-medical injection was explored.The result showed that acupoint-medical injection could remarkably reduce the serum ALT(P<0 01)of mouse′s immuno-liver injury,but both groups of acupoint injection of normal saline and muscular medical injection could not,which suggested that acupoint medical injection had the specificity of acupoint and medicine.
Journal of Hebei Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology