目的观察临床常用的血管活性药物对大隐静脉血管桥的近心端与远心端血管张力的影响。方法 随机选取36位冠状动脉旁路移植术患者的大隐静脉桥血管的远心端和近心端端各0.5cm,修剪为3mm长血管环,共72条。远心端与近心端端分别随机分入4个小组,每组9条。采用器官管槽法,在37℃有氧条件下,分别检测不同浓度(10-9~10-5M)的苯肾上腺素、去甲肾上腺素引起的血管收缩反应,以及不同浓度乙酰胆碱(10-9~10-5M)、硝酸甘油(10-9~10-4M)引发的血管舒张反应。结果 苯肾上腺素与去甲肾上腺素引发的血管收缩反应,两组差异无显著性(P>0.05);不同浓度乙酰胆碱与硝酸甘油引发的血管内皮源性和非内皮源性舒张反应,两组亦无显著差异(P>0.05)。结论 大隐静脉血管桥的近心端与远心端对临床常用的收缩血管药物所引发的的血管收缩反应相近,对临床常用的舒张血管药物所引发的内皮依赖性及非内皮依赖性血管舒张反应亦无明显差别。
Objective To observe the effect of clinical vasoactive drugs on the proximal and distal of great saphenous veto tension. Methods Seventy - two rings in 3 ram long of distal and proximal of great saphenous vein selected from 36 patients with coronary artery bypass grafting were divided into two groups. The change of the tone was measured in organ chamber at 37℃with a constant supply of oxygen when phenylephrine ( 10 -9 -10^-5 M) and norepinephrine ( 10^-9 - 10-s M) were added into the organ chamber. And the vasodilation was induced by acetylcholine (10^-9 - 10^-5 M) and nitroglycerin( 10^-9 -10^-4 M)after vascular ring was contracted by phenylephfine. Results Vasoconstriction induced by phenylephrine or norepinephrine is no significant difference between two groups (P 〉 0. 05). Vasodilatation induced by aeetylcholine and nitroglycerinis still no significant difference between two groups (P 〉 0.05 ). Conclusion The response of proximal and distal great saphenous vein to clinical vasoconstrictor drugs is similar, while endothelium -dependent and non -endothelium -dependent relaxations induced by vasodilator are also no significant difference.