[目的]研究基于智能手机的流行病学调查和地理信息(GIS)采集技术,实现GIS在现场流行病学调查中的初步应用。[方法]收集上海市各类社会经济数据和传染病相关数据,建立传染病空间信息数据库。在上海市测绘地图的基础上,制作生成公共卫生专题地图。以空间数据引擎ARCSDE 9.3.1为管理软件,以基于客户端/服务器(C/S)的ARCGIS Engine Developer Kit9.3.1、基于浏览器/服务器(B/S)的ARCGIS Sever9.3.1和Visual C++为系统开发软件,构建以智能手机为信息采集载体的GIS平台。[结果]建立的智能手机信息采集系统可实时采集病例的流行病学调查信息、多媒体信息和空间信息,实时接收GIS平台发送的流行病学调查任务和审核信息,实现地图操作、全球卫星(GPS)定位和信息查询等功能。系统自2007年12月应用以来,试点地区传染病流行病学调查和分析的平均时限由原来的24~48h缩短为2 h以内。[结论]智能手机信息采集系统的建立和应用为现场流行病学调查工作提供了新技术。
[Objective] To research a technique for collection of epidemiological and geographical information based on smart mobile phone and put it into practice in field epidemiology investigation. [Methods] Social economic data and infectious disease information were collected for establishment of geo-spatial database and creation of public health thematic map based on Shanghai surveying map.Development softwares were used including ARCSDE 9.3.1,ARCGIS Engine Developer Kit 9.3.1,ARCGIS Sever 9.3.1 and Visual C++ for establishment of GIS platform based on smart mobile phone information collection. [Results] Through smart mobile phone information system we collected patients' epidemiological,multimedia and spatial information,real-time received task and verified information from GIS platform and used map tools,GPS,information query function and so on.Since December 2007 when we applied the system,the average time for investigation and analyses has greatly decreased from 24 and 48 hours to less than 2 hours in experimental areas. [Conclusion] The establishment and application of smart mobile phone information system provides a new technique for field epidemiological investigation.
Shanghai Journal of Preventive Medicine
Smart mobile phone
Geographic information system
Field epidemiological investigation