
美国中期选举及“茶党”兴起的影响 被引量:1

The Influence of the Rise of "Tea Party" in America after U.S. Mid-term Elections
摘要 美国中期选举使民主党和奥巴马总统本人受到很大打击。民主党失掉众议院多数席位,奥巴马未来两年执政道路充满荆棘,竞选连任困难重重。共和党通过中期选举掌控了众议院,标志着他们"说便宜话"的时代结束了,未来的道路也并不好走。"茶党"的兴起,对美国政坛和社会的影响正在显现。美国保守主义思潮回归,金融经济危机冲击下的各种社会问题交织,其国内外政策走向正在深刻演变之中。 U.S. mid - term elections gave a heavy blow to the Democrats and President Obama. Barack Obama is on the road full of thorns for the next two years governing so he is difficult for re - election because the Democratic Party lost majority in the House of Representatives. The Republicans control the House of Representatives by mid - term elections, marking them the era "cheap, then said" ended, the road ahead is also not good to go. The influence of the rise of the "Tea Party" to American polities and society is obvious. American Conservatism is back, various social issues are intertwined, and its foreign policy direction is profoundly evolving because of the impact of financial and economic crisis.
作者 徐步 张征
出处 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期45-52,共8页 Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition
关键词 美国中期选举 “茶党” 医改 保守主义 民粹主义 U.S. Mid-term Elections The "Tea Party" Medical Reformation Conservatism Populism
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