
东亚货币合作为何遭遇挫折?——兼论人民币国际化及其对未来东亚货币合作的影响 被引量:56

Why has Monetary Cooperation in East Asia Suffered Setbacks?——On the Internationalization of RMB and its Implication for Future Monetary Cooperation in East Asia
摘要 与1997年亚洲金融危机爆发后东亚各经济体迅速推进了区域货币合作进程不同,此次全球金融危机爆发后不仅既有的合作框架或机制(如CMI等)未能发挥作用,各主要经济体之间有关合作的分歧也在明显增大,东亚货币合作遭遇了重大挫折。文章指出东亚货币合作本身存在的固有矛盾或问题如对现行"美元体制"的依赖等,是影响其未来发展的长期性因素,决定了在今后相当长时期内东亚地区在整体上不具备推进货币合作深化发展的前提条件。未来东亚货币合作的开展应该在整体层面上巩固和扩大既有成果的同时,在具备条件的局部地区推进货币合作的深化发展。在这方面,人民币国际化战略的实施将发挥重要作用。人民币国际化应该采取"周边化→区域化→国际化"的路径。 Different from the Asian financial crisis in 1997 after which East Asian countries rapidly pushed forward regional monetary cooperation,the global financial crisis this time has failed to see existing cooperation frameworks or mechanisms(such as CMI) play their role in crisis prevention.Worse,major economies have had greater differences on cooperation and monetary cooperation in East Asia suffered great setbacks.Based on the analysis of the setbacks East Asia has suffered in monetary cooperation,this article comprehensively and thoroughly studies the sources of the differences among Asian economies and argues that the existing intrinsic problems of East Asian economies in monetary cooperation,such as its dependence on the dollar system,are the long-term factors blocking the region's future development,which means that it is almost impossible for the region to deepen monetary cooperation within a considerable period of time in the future.Therefore,the future monetary cooperation in East Asia should be promoted through a selective strategy,i.e.consolidating and expanding existing cooperation in the region as a whole,while accelerating cooperation among selected economies that have made solid progress in that respect.The implementation of the RMB internationalization strategy will play an important role in this process.RMB internationalization should first be carried out in neighboring regions before spreading to other Asian regions and ultimately other parts of the world to make it a global currency.Such a strategy is in line with China's international economic clout and its domestic economic conditions.It will have a great bearing on Asian monetary cooperation in the future and could even determine the route of that process.
作者 李晓
出处 《国际经济评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期109-128,5-6,共20页 International Economic Review
基金 2010年度国家社会科学基金重大项目"中国积极参与国际货币体系改革进程研究"(项目批准号:10ZD&054) 十一五211工程"东北亚区域政治 经济 历史与社会发展"子项目的资助。
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