存储测试技术是在特殊环境下记录运动物体参数的最有效的手段。本文介绍了基于ARM7 LPC21xx开发存储测试系统的方法。Philips公司16/32位微控制器LPC21xx是基于支持实时仿真和嵌入式跟踪的16/32位ARM7TDMI-S CPU的微控制器,它具有掉电和空闲两种节电模式,可用电池供电并且长期工作。利用微控制器内部自带的10位A/D转换器来采样,用SPI与nRF24L01模块通信。
Memory test technology is the most effective means to record the parameters of moving objects under special circumstances. This paper introduces the development method of storage test systems based on ARM7 LPC21xx. Philips 16/32-bit LPC21xx microcontroller is a 16/32 bit ARM7TDMI -S CPU microcontroller based on real time emulation and embedded trace. It has two power-saving modes which are power-down and idle, and can be battery powered in long-term work. The test system samples with 10 bit ADC in the microcontroller, and communicates with nRF24L01 using SPI.
Microcontrollers & Embedded Systems