This paper has chosen eight species of indoor ornamental plants. Pot and soil were separated from the haulm and put into a self-designed fumigating box to conduct a fumigating experiment. We measured the change of formaldehyde and the plant leaf area before and after the fumigating. Also we compared the ability of the eight plants to absorb formaldehyde based on the reduction of formaldehyde in the unit leaf area. The results showed that if the mass concentration of formaldehyde was 10-15 times as high as the international standard (0. 08 mg/m3 ), all the eight kinds of ornamental plants can absorb formaldehyde in the air, but their absorption capacity varies with each kind. Their absorption capacity was as follows: Ficus elastica Alocasia macrorrhizos Aspidistra elatior ; Aglaonema commulatum cv. Silvcr Queen ; Pachira aquatica ; Chrysalidocarpus lutescens ; Anthurium andraeanum ; Calathea rnakoyana. The absorption efficiency of the formaldehyde amount per unit of leaf area was as follows.. Ficus elastica Alocasia rnacrorrhizos ; Aspidistra elatior ; Pachira aquatica ; Aglaonema commulatum cv. Silvcr Queen Chrysalidocarpus lutescens;Anthurium andraeanurn;Calathea makoyana. If the mass concentration of formaldehyde was 50-60 times as high as the international standard, their absorption capacity was as follows: Aspidistra elatior; Aglaonema commulatum cv. Silvcr Queen ; Alocasia macrorrhizos; Pachira aquatica 〉 Ficus elastica Chrysalidocarpuslutescens〉Anthuriurnandraeanum〉Calatheamakoyana. The absorption capacity of the formaldehyde anaount per unit of leaf area was as follows: Aspidistra elatior〉Pachira aquatica〉alocasia macrorrhizos〉ficus elastica Aglaonema commulatum cv. Silvcr Queen〉Anthurium andraeanum 〉Calathea makoyana 〉Chrysalidocarpus lutescens. According to the absorption capacity of the formaldehyde amount perunit of leaf area, the absorption capacity of the plants falls into two categories: the plants that absorb more formaldehyde include: Aspidistra elatior, Pachira a
Northern Horticulture
ornamental plant
capacity of removal